Today my heart melted life Dec 17, 2016

Today my heart melted 

So... parents are not allowed to watch ballet classes on Saturday. Today at the end of year concert was the big reveal.

Eboney and Mia as the only ones on stage together 

I am so glad I filmed this and was stunned at what I watched. Our 2 girls up on stage...

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Reflection, gratitude and big announcement adventure business life Nov 22, 2016


I have been busy!! For the last 7 years or so I have been working, mainly behind the scenes, helping amazing people grow their businesses online.

In the wellness space I have worked closely with people like Reid Tracy from Hay House launch...

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Fear paralysis life Nov 10, 2016

It is SO interesting to watch how peoples eyes and hearts are taken hostage. Fear paralysis.

I have been intimately involved with 30+ launches. Tens of thousands of orders resulting in 10's of millions of dollars in sales.

I know how these usually play out ,amazing products making peoples lives...

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Growing Pains business life Nov 06, 2016

Growing Pains

Not the type that you get when you are young, the type you feel when you are older.

I love seeing people break their own beliefs and see the world in a different light.

Finally breaking free and tasting that feeling of opportunity, that belief, that much much more is possible.


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Such magic weather! life Oct 25, 2016

So today in a launch team meeting everyone was falling off their chair laughing at me...


Well apparently the home internet was hopeless, my voice sounded like chipmunks plus, the video was freezing with interesting expressions and jazz hands!!! (They sent me screen grabs after the call)


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Enjoy the Marketing ride!! business Sep 24, 2016

These days I spend most of my time in my marketing brain. Campaigns, launches, products, offers and so much more.

And to make these happen I need to spend time diving into my tech brain.

In my past life I was a programmer. I have had sales booths at Pharmacy conferences selling my software when...

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Time stood still.. life Aug 24, 2016

Today, for a few minutes I actually experienced what 'peace' feels like.

For me it was silent and still. Quiet, calm, colours of light brown and yellow. No thoughts.

Time stood still. Emptiness. Present. Safe. Enough. One.

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Do year view calendars not work for you too? business Aug 11, 2016

Is it just me or do 'year view calendars' not work for you too?

When I say calendars I mean the way years are typically laid out. Flip ones by month do not work for me because the weeks are broken bridging months.

The big wall calendars either have all the days of the week across the top...

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Heart problems at 24 business life Jul 31, 2016

Heart problems at 24.

Back when I was 24 I was suffering from stress induced angina. My heart was in physical pain and it was sore, tingly and the aching grew whenever I thought about 'work'.

I felt trapped. It was one of my first full time jobs and I remember feeling like I was loaded with all...

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Life sucks too... life Jul 22, 2016

Life sucks too. I just want to share an insight. I am super lucky to know many many super high achievers. Can I tell you a secret. They also experience the equal and opposite on the other end of the spectrum.

Emotional lows. 9 or 10 times this week I have had very intimate personal back and...

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Follow and trust your heart business life Jul 17, 2016

I quit my job to run around the world chasing little yellow fluffy things!

Back in 1997 I was writing business software and enterprise databases. The software was controlling billions of $ in assets and everyday I was extracting data and creating reports to be used that day in government...

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Are we at a choice point? business life Jul 13, 2016

Are we at a choice point?

I feel like we might be. This Pokemon thingy is really making me wonder about if we as a society are getting further or closer to nature.

The ripple effect of being further from nature is disconnection, isolation, stress anxiety, feeling lost and many more personal...

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