Trust your gut... business life Jun 26, 2024

“I Had A Download” Used As A Reason

Yep, with everything there is good and bad…

Usually desperate people come in and spoil the good stuff with their fake cool interpretations…

Shallow, naive and most times dangerous… 

Honestly I think most of our advanced...

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The best things for our business brains adventure business life Jun 19, 2024

I believe two of the best things for our business brains is to:

1) constantly improve physical skills
2) be in nature

It covers things like problem solving, overcoming fear, new neural pathways, being away from tech, bigger picture thinking and so much more!

Plus it’s fun…

Many years...

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Connect with the things that are most important… adventure life Jun 11, 2024

One of the things I love about taking a break from the everyday is connecting with the things that are most important…

When you are away from your usual environment, you are also away from your usual routines and habits…

Good and bad…

For me I focus on what drops away, and...

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I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing... business life May 29, 2024
Yesterday I worked out that I have had my business for 26 years...
Which is a few years over half of my alive life!
90% of my working years after graduating from university...
In that time I have done a tonnnnneeee of things...
  • custom software...
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The Hidden But Inevitable Cost Of Inaction… adventure life May 08, 2024

The Hidden But Inevitable Cost Of Inaction…

One thing is for sure…

The future is coming…

And I expect our goal as individuals is to be a part of it…

To be ‘alive’ so to speak…

So on the surface it seems easy and obvious…

Yep, if we don’t...

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Gorilla Physics… business life Apr 23, 2024
Gorilla Physics… The Gorilla in the pink tutu…
Don’t copy what the big gorillas are doing… they can do it because they are already a gorilla…
Let me explain…
So  many times people see what other people are doing online and...
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When will it be your last time? life Apr 22, 2024
The Last Time…
When will it be your last time?
Has it already been your last time?
Over  the weekend I was tidying up the garage…
In this box of old balls was a few score cards…
The first one empty, the second one...
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Time is changing… life Apr 13, 2024

Being a parent I also need to consider the world from a few different perspectives… 

The biggest realisation for me most recently is something that has always been there… but was maybe optional…

However this feels like it is an upcoming major reality… 

I feel...

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Watch out for the ‘handy circles’… business life Apr 11, 2024

Watch out for the ‘handy circles’…

I had to choose my words here because I didn’t want to type what I really wanted to… 

Something needs to be made aware of, or consider is happening… so everyone can make their own judgments…

In recent...

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Success and communication… business life Apr 14, 2022
Today's ponderings…
How closely is success and communication skills linked?
Success and communication…
First up… communication is a TWO way street… many people confuse communication as ‘saying’ something…
If the...
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Alignment... a huge blocker... and also huge power source… business life Apr 14, 2022
Alignment... a huge blocker... and also huge power source…
One of the biggest things I notice when helping people with their offer is Alignment...
From 2 angles... to themselves and their customers...
To the people I love to help this is a huge thing... to others it is just...
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Puzzle of life adventure life Nov 28, 2021
Here in Australia we are facing a two class citizen situation. Maybe it is similar all around the world. Second class, however... this is the big one... Previously ‘second class’ meant ‘less than’ a first class citizen. However, I think this is something to check in with....
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