Happy new financial year! business Jul 01, 2024

HAPPY NEW FINANCIAL YEAR to my Aussie business friends!!!

Who is feeling the energy and keen to have an awesome year?

Who else wants to set that collective intention with me?

In a world full of distractions and alternative realities also comes a world of opportunities...

This year is...

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Trust your gut... business life Jun 26, 2024

“I Had A Download” Used As A Reason

Yep, with everything there is good and bad…

Usually desperate people come in and spoil the good stuff with their fake cool interpretations…

Shallow, naive and most times dangerous… 

Honestly I think most of our advanced...

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The best things for our business brains adventure business life Jun 19, 2024

I believe two of the best things for our business brains is to:

1) constantly improve physical skills
2) be in nature

It covers things like problem solving, overcoming fear, new neural pathways, being away from tech, bigger picture thinking and so much more!

Plus it’s fun…

Many years...

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I'm not sure if this is a good or a bad thing... business life May 29, 2024
Yesterday I worked out that I have had my business for 26 years...
Which is a few years over half of my alive life!
90% of my working years after graduating from university...
In that time I have done a tonnnnneeee of things...
  • custom software...
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Gorilla Physics… business life Apr 23, 2024
Gorilla Physics… The Gorilla in the pink tutu…
Don’t copy what the big gorillas are doing… they can do it because they are already a gorilla…
Let me explain…
So  many times people see what other people are doing online and...
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Watch out for the ‘handy circles’… business life Apr 11, 2024

Watch out for the ‘handy circles’…

I had to choose my words here because I didn’t want to type what I really wanted to… 

Something needs to be made aware of, or consider is happening… so everyone can make their own judgments…

In recent...

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Business Friends... Offer First… business Apr 14, 2022
Business Friends... Offer First…
Over the past 12 years I have helped hundreds and hundreds of people with their offers. I have been involved with over 90 launches watching these offers turn into literally hundreds of thousands of customers…
One of the biggest things I have...
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Success and communication… business life Apr 14, 2022
Today's ponderings…
How closely is success and communication skills linked?
Success and communication…
First up… communication is a TWO way street… many people confuse communication as ‘saying’ something…
If the...
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Alignment... a huge blocker... and also huge power source… business life Apr 14, 2022
Alignment... a huge blocker... and also huge power source…
One of the biggest things I notice when helping people with their offer is Alignment...
From 2 angles... to themselves and their customers...
To the people I love to help this is a huge thing... to others it is just...
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Full circle and a bit more! adventure business life Oct 14, 2021
A super cool thing just happened! Something just came full circle and a bit more!
So, inside The Offer Academy Coaching Program learning materials I talk about the concept of:
Selling to your FUTURE FRIENDS...Yep, your FUTURE FRIENDS... not your current friends...
So how do...
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The Offer Academy Group Coaching Program business Sep 28, 2021

Happy Tuesday!

Here's  a work project announcement and milestone news for everyone. For the last 10 years I have been helping people in the online knowledge space get their magic out into the world.  My approach is that, we all have a gift.  A gift to share with the world and there...

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Listen to your heart and mind... business life Sep 25, 2021

About 10 years I came across a way of thinking.

How I remember it is...

Everybody is always doing the best with what they currently have or know to be true. My understanding was, it extended to so many things in life. Even the person stealing things from your backyard.

Imagine for a moment that...

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