Gorilla Physics…

business life Apr 23, 2024
Gorilla Physics… The Gorilla in the pink tutu…
Don’t copy what the big gorillas are doing… they can do it because they are already a gorilla…
Let me explain…
So  many times people see what other people are doing online and simply copy them…
It might be the latest hot influencer…
It might be someone with rapid and large success (*cough huberis*)
It might be the way someone is doing videos, their strategy etc etc…
It might be the clothes or the background or the location that works for them…
This does not mean it will work for you too!
The have access to gorilla physics…
The gorillas in any industry have their own physics…
The gorilla can be lazy and still be tough… the gorilla can do a crap strategy and still have success based on pure volume (and follower obsession)…
The gorilla can wear a pink tutu and still demand your respect…
So… dont just follow any industry gorilla blindly…
Don’t just copy their offers or deliverables and expect them to work for you…
If you put on a pink tutu and did the same thing you likely would not get the same result as the gorilla…
The gorilla plays by gorilla physics…
Be smarter… find your true strength… because I believe there is a gorilla equivalent inside everyone and when you connect with that person you are unstoppable!
Be more you 🙂
PS how good is this chatGPT AI image!