Watch out for the ‘handy circles’…
Apr 11, 2024Watch out for the ‘handy circles’…
I had to choose my words here because I didn’t want to type what I really wanted to…
Something needs to be made aware of, or consider is happening… so everyone can make their own judgments…
In recent weeks I have been describing this situation I see online, in a lot more visual way and getting to the point…
Maybe I can describe it vaguely and you will get the picture…
Let’s consider a situation…
So… someone posts something… it appears on your feed…
Maybe a little offensive to some… maybe a bit arrogant…
Then you are left somewhat confused about how to feel about it and go to the comments to help you ‘interpret’ your reaction…
The comments are full of people virtually high fiving…
Supporting and agreeing…
Other people with audience and influence jumping in…
They are posturing and positioning by association to ride off the coattails of the commenter…
They are forming their little posse…
Their gang…
Their circle…
Now this happens again… same person or different person and the group of commenters continue in that post…
Now here comes the circle reference…
What I see is…
A whole bunch of people, in a circle, with their hand in the lap of the person next to them…
Pick a side, let’s say to the right…
So now we have a bunch of people ‘feeling great’ individually and together because of the ‘fun’ in the circle…
Everyone is getting quite excited too… and the cheering and actions are more obvious… or vigorous… hahaha…
Maybe their eyes are even rolling back in their head… etc etc
If we were chatting in person I’d be way less cryptic…
Anyway… so an invitation…
See if you can see it too… check in with your reactions to posts and see if your reactions are your own of if you are influenced by the circle having fun 🙂
If you dive into the comments and see the same people ‘enjoying each other's company’ maybe just double check…
My guess is these things end in a bit of a ‘mess’ 🙂
Hahaha what a wild online world we navigate these days…