Business Friends... Offer First…
Apr 14, 2022Business Friends... Offer First…
Over the past 12 years I have helped hundreds and hundreds of people with their offers. I have been involved with over 90 launches watching these offers turn into literally hundreds of thousands of customers…
One of the biggest things I have noticed, which initially might seem counter intuitive, is that things become wildly clearer, easier and greater results when you think about the OFFER FIRST…
Yep, even before the product is built or finished...
If not first, then ASAP?
The trap…
For most new people… they think about the world through their eyes…
What do I know, what can I teach, how can I package my knowledge…
Depending on where you enter this world you might be encouraged to start at building a course, membership site, or a main website, or following...
Yep cool, a lot of people say this is where to start, however… Many will find themselves in a never ending spiral…
I believe the spiral is connected to our default association with money and how we are conditioned for it to be exchanged...
The society we are brought up in teaches us that the more we know the more we deserve to earn…
Career / job based thinking…
So it is easy to see how when people are moving their knowledge over to an online platform that the same thinking applies…
This is where people go wrong…
Success in this online world is not about showing how much you know…
Or, bundling up all of your knowledge into a university standard course or learning environment…
While this might make you feel good and feed your ego, this usually leaves many people burnt out with very little sales and customers…
Many people either throw out months/years of hard work, built programs… or worse… keep trying to sell it without considering a new lens…
The solution…
This online world is about solving problems... and working out how much the problem solved is worth to the person with the problem...
And.. the smallest amount of information or time they need to solve that problem!
Start with The Offer ‘as soon as possible’…
Everything becomes clearer from this point…
When you use a proven, systemised approach to create an Irresistible Offer you can then build your product, your content and your messaging around it…
You then attract your perfect potential clients into your story and accepting your offer becomes the next logical step…
Does any of this relate?
When you start with you product, you are in ‘you’ mode…
When you move over to the ‘offer’ you are in problem solving ‘them’ mode…
I love working with offers because I believe it is the biggest needle mover in a business...
Let me know if you have experienced this and if you are currently stuck, or made a change and would like to share the improvements…
Did I mention I love Offers ?