Today is a big day! business life Dec 06, 2019

Today is a big day...

The first time some 'strangers' will be using our previous family home for their weekend as their AirBnB.

To whoever is there I hope you are hanging out downstairs under the deck.

While everyone melts from the heat, I know this spot is the coolest place on the coast. 10...

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Welcome summer!!! life Dec 06, 2019

Welcome summer!!!

Such an awesome time of year on the coast... actually I think I say that to myself almost every day of the year... anyway... nice long days... wake up at 4am... lots of colours I. The ocean and outdoor fun to be had!

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Little piece of paradise... business life Nov 29, 2019

Over the last 10 years, thousands of hours of my time and many hundreds of thousands of dollars have gone toward, what I like to believe is a little piece of paradise. If you or anyone you know is looking for an amazing holiday experience literally 50 meters from the beach then check this out......

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We'll always remember... life Nov 17, 2019

Today would have been dads 71st birthday  what an awesome birthday celebration we had last year for his 70th...

Although he didn’t make his 71st we had a special time helping him keep this gift of life...

Lots of growth and perspective shifts over the past 12 months...

Most of all...

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Putting it out there... business Nov 14, 2019

Putting it out there... to those of you who know me well...

I’m launching a podcast and pondering names...

It could be The Michael Maidens Podcast or more topic centric...

I could start to talk about what I’m this message but I feel I’ll influent your suggestions...

So, any...

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Big fun last minute adventure! adventure Nov 13, 2019

Huge adventure yesterday...

We arranged some friends to enjoy the full moon rise over the ocean at our old place before it goes on AirBnB...

The wind was strong northerly so the idea came up to Kite surf from one house to the other!

Seems logical right?

20km in a straight line...

Approx 1hr 30...

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Making memories with the kids life Nov 07, 2019

Making memories with the kids 

Sunrise at the beach... Shadows with a wise eagle on the tall post watching us... most likely dad 


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Anyone else who appreciates screen real estate? business Nov 01, 2019

Is there anyone else who appreciates screen real estate as much as I do???

Back when I was programming I had 5 monitors... it was amazing... everything I needed in a glance...

One in the centre for the code, one for the database architecture, one for the design specs, the other for the...

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Magical morning colours! life Oct 30, 2019

Magical morning colours!

Such an amazing light show that Mother Nature gifted this morning 

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Just a quick reminder... business Oct 26, 2019

Just a quick reminder that we are in our final hours of the Offer Academy Course Beta Intake!

You can check it out here!

I am back home from the USA and literally heading out the door to an engagement party  :)

The time in the USA was so fun and the...

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Very grateful... business Oct 24, 2019

Very grateful... I have had over 150 wonderful people so far come and thank me for my presentation at James Wedmore’s Business By Design event ... but the latest one was the best...

“You didn’t look like a professional speaker, you just got up there and shared with us and I...

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Sometimes all you need.... business life Oct 17, 2019

Sometimes all you need it a change of scenery...

I’m working on my presentation for a live event next week and as soon as I sat down here the whole structure just came to me.

I’ve been letting it sit, but with a deadline pending I need to get pen to paper...

Change of scenery and the...

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