Today is a big day!

business life Dec 06, 2019

Today is a big day...

The first time some 'strangers' will be using our previous family home for their weekend as their AirBnB.

To whoever is there I hope you are hanging out downstairs under the deck.

While everyone melts from the heat, I know this spot is the coolest place on the coast. 10 degrees cooler than anywhere else with the crossflow of wind off the ocean from the north, the heat escaping through the deck and the tiled concrete floor...

A nice view of the pool and native trees on the dunes would make this the best place to hang out today...

Yep, after living there for 20 years I know it well  :)

It was listed only 1 week ago and we are 75% booked for December, 78% booked for January and 80% booked for February