Constant Divisions Jun 28, 2022
We are being divided again...
So many times over the last few years...
I cant help but think...
If  you keep cutting a cake you end up with just crumbs...
Is this where we are heading?
Is this good or bad?
Who knows...
Maybe the pieces of the puzzle are being decoupled so that...
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Shower Full Of Ideas Jun 27, 2022
My life gets initially more complicated but better and maybe eventually simpler every time I shower...
Seriously the ideas just come to me...
This one had domain names with it too which were available and now in my account...
The  idea still stands up and ticks so many boxes im a...
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It Never Gets Old Jun 13, 2022
It never gets old...
This helping people over the internet thing...
I remember back about 11 years ago when a customer in India was thanking me for all they were learning...
She  sent me a photo of herself and her son standing in front of a diagram she printed out and stuck to their...
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Fear Of Judgement May 05, 2022
Fear of judgement holds so many people back but guess what...
The right people will love your help...
And the wrong people won’t...
BOTH  are PERFECT outcomes!!!
Just be YOU!
Ps... picture of today’s sunrise... nature just being nature... knowing the right people will...
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Business Friends... Offer Firstā€¦ business Apr 14, 2022
Business Friends... Offer First…
Over the past 12 years I have helped hundreds and hundreds of people with their offers. I have been involved with over 90 launches watching these offers turn into literally hundreds of thousands of customers…
One of the biggest things I have...
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Success and communicationā€¦ business life Apr 14, 2022
Today's ponderings…
How closely is success and communication skills linked?
Success and communication…
First up… communication is a TWO way street… many people confuse communication as ‘saying’ something…
If the...
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Alignment... a huge blocker... and also huge power sourceā€¦ business life Apr 14, 2022
Alignment... a huge blocker... and also huge power source…
One of the biggest things I notice when helping people with their offer is Alignment...
From 2 angles... to themselves and their customers...
To the people I love to help this is a huge thing... to others it is just...
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Beyond Your Wildest Dreams Mar 29, 2022
Just a quick one...
I believe that things beyond your wildest dreams are waiting for you...
The first test, the first prerequisite, is to follow your current dream...
Then hold on for the true magic to unfold...
Bigger than your dreams...
Things you park in your mind as...
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3 Options Mar 23, 2022
I had 3 options this afternoon...
1) Attend an amazing online workshop...
2) go to CrossFit...
and... any guesses for number 3?
Yep,  chill and watch the kiters and sunset over the Noosa river mouth...
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The Link Between Success And Communication Skills Mar 15, 2022
Today's ponderings…
How closely is success and communication skills linked?
Success and communication…
 First up… communication is a TWO way street… many people confuse communication as ‘saying’ something…
If the...
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Alignment A Block Or Power Source Mar 09, 2022
Alignment... a huge blocker... and also huge power source…
One of the biggest things I notice when helping people with their offer is Alignment...
From 2 angles... to themselves and their customers...
To  the people I love to help this is a huge thing... to others it is just...
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Death and Choice Feb 20, 2022
This mornings pondering.... Death... hmmm that random thing at the end that has us worried / steals life from us...
I wonder... what if you flipped it and CHOSE...
or at least chose a few things that might be how it ends...
 eg... I am happy if I die from xxxx
I know myself over the...
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