Keep dreaming...just keep flapping adventure life Nov 28, 2021
I’m combining two sayings here.
First, there is a saying, the best way to predict the future is to create it. Maybe it was Abraham Lincoln.
The second saying is along the lines of... if you want to create real change, you must be honest with your current reality and see...
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It will all be ok life Nov 09, 2021
The Horizon... That magical place. The destination to which we can aim, but never reach...
Somewhat like perfection too.  It is never attainable. However, focussing on the horizon has HUGE benefits. Especially in rough waters. Both physically and metaphorically too.
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My 3 biggest values... life Nov 08, 2021
My 3 biggest values...
These are things you need to work hard for and DO NOT come easily or quickly. ANY promise of quick results are simply false or shallow versions of these.
True health... deep true health... where does that come from? think...
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What are we here for? life Oct 29, 2021
Life huh... What are we here for?
Somewhere on the timeline that will be clear... However, I feel that it is our search... this human experience on this living earth...  at this time... A wonderful living breathing earth... life... oceans... forests...
What will you take...
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Full circle and a bit more! adventure business life Oct 14, 2021
A super cool thing just happened! Something just came full circle and a bit more!
So, inside The Offer Academy Coaching Program learning materials I talk about the concept of:
Selling to your FUTURE FRIENDS...Yep, your FUTURE FRIENDS... not your current friends...
So how do...
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Listen to your heart and mind... business life Sep 25, 2021

About 10 years I came across a way of thinking.

How I remember it is...

Everybody is always doing the best with what they currently have or know to be true. My understanding was, it extended to so many things in life. Even the person stealing things from your backyard.

Imagine for a moment that...

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In between known worlds... adventure business life Sep 22, 2021

For the last 10 years, I have been explaining a concept to my friends and clients about the feeling of nervousness and anxiety of change. For me, I see in pictures, stories, and knowledge come to me as visuals and this has always been very clear.

Change for me is like travelling across the flat...

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I love thinking, maybe too much... business life Sep 13, 2021

I love thinking... maybe too much...

But I do love it when sometimes the solution is the opposite of what might seem an obvious first solution. I find this the most fun and I have been doing this for 20ish years or so.

Firstly with software programming. Trying to look at things from every angle...

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Lifeā€™s constant juggle adventure business life Sep 01, 2021
Life’s constant juggle between enjoying the moment and delayed gratification... I have done a combination of these through the years.
When I was young, I went to university and at the same time played tennis full time. I also wrote software to sell and make money in my spare time....
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One thing is for sure... adventure business life Aug 31, 2021
One thing is for sure... How you treat other fellow humans especially friends will last a lifetime...
Will you hold some space for them?
Open your heart for them?
Will you listen to them?
Will you be there for them?
You do not have to agree with someone...
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Breathe, smile, connect, love... business life Aug 28, 2021
There are lots of games where the people who can hold their breath the longest win.
Some are actual air, some are metaphorical air... Underwater ice hockey is actual breath holding. Free diving also actual breath holding - Stig Åvall Severinsen. Spear fishing... actual...
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Are we all coaches to someone? business life Aug 24, 2021

Coaches... are we all coaches?

I believe the most amazing coaches (and friends) have one thing in common. They observe a situation where they can give guidance and do something magical.
They first see the situation through the eyes of the other person. First, they understand...
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