In between known worlds...
Sep 22, 2021For the last 10 years, I have been explaining a concept to my friends and clients about the feeling of nervousness and anxiety of change. For me, I see in pictures, stories, and knowledge come to me as visuals and this has always been very clear.
Change for me is like travelling across the flat and open land. You have left the safety of one forest and are now travelling to find your new forest.
However, here is the trick...
You are uncomfortable in the open space.
Vulnerable to the eyes of others from the hills or other forests...
Almost everything in you wants to be back in the safety of the forest...
You are searching for a new forest, a new home, a new place of safety...
However... this is where the real test comes.
You have 3 choices:
- To return to the old forest (if it exists)
- Enter the closest / first forest you walk past
- Or find your true forest... where you belong
The anxiety of the open land creates a situation of fear and need to belong to a forest. However, the longer you can learn to live with this uncertainty, the great chance you have of finding your true home. Don’t forget, option 2 could be way, way, worse than the forest you just left.
The challenge becomes, safety of the unknown forest, or stay uncomfortable and find your true home. For me this has happened about 15,16 major times in my life.
Work, relationships, projects, products, ideas, clients, customers, businesses. It took me along time to realise I was taking the closes forest to relieve the anxiety.
Now I know I can control myself. I have inner strength to be true to my heart and find my next true forest which I call home. It may take time and that unknown adds to the uncertainty. But, it’s actually nice to be wandering in the ‘in between’ land.
Look around...
You can see so much in the in between land.
Maybe some height to gain other perspectives.
So I invite you. In times of uncertainty, check in with your decision making. Is this your true home? The forest you want to be in? Or is the craving to be in any forest overruling your true heart knowing?
Interesting times...