Proud hubby! business life May 31, 2019

This is what we have been working on for the last 12 months  :) Ellysia has poured thousands of hours into this, recording hundreds of videos so everyone else can experience Gut Health friendly meals at home too without the stress or overwhelm!

Proud hubby!

Check it out! >> ...

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The ocean is my energy source and my friend business life May 28, 2019

I think I am realising that not everyone wants to hang in or near the ocean all day.

It’s actually painful for me to not be near it or close to it... it’s like this constant friend with nothing but fun and excitement...

For me the ocean is full immersion in life...

It’s not a...

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My Monday morning meeting... business life May 27, 2019

My first Monday morning meeting has begun.

A serious chat with the sun and the ocean   I think it might take an hour or two .

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What do you enjoy the most these days? life May 07, 2019

Fitness and community comes in so many shapes and forms these days... what have you tried and what do you enjoy the most?

Most of my childhood life I played tennis, then surfing took over, then Crossfit, then kitesurfing, now foiling...

I loved the skill challenges and community aspect... there...

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The more I walk.... life May 03, 2019

Magical mornings!

The more I walk the clearer my head   oh and the more banks I check out!

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Magical morning... life Apr 29, 2019

Magical morning at mooloolaba... when the universe delivers you a great parking space you need to take it as a sign to pull in for a while 

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Sunday Funday! adventure life Apr 28, 2019

Sunday Funday... local adventures 

Finding shells at sunrise... then Mia wanted to see a bunny which she did (and wanted to catch it in her butterfly net)... Ellysia wanted to pat a cow... I wanted to swim in clear water... nice day all round chatting to nice people everywhere we...

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Never a dull moment... adventure life Apr 07, 2019

Never a dull moment around here for the school holidays... lots of things to do around here!

Half, full day trips or short trips from home...... and Ellysia and I will be both launching our online programs in these 2 weeks too! 

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What does it mean? adventure life Apr 02, 2019

Last night we kite surfed a pretty cool sunset... and tonight there was a double rainbow to the east...

It's pretty fun just flying along the ocean, being pulled along by nature's wind and watching the spectacular afternoon unfold...

It was pretty awesome and every time I see a double rainbow I...

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Everything makes sense and feels right! life Mar 29, 2019

Ok this week has been super energetic... Lots of things suddenly made sense, became clear and the 'universe' gave me enough signals that 'coincidence' was no longer an option... Which led me to buy a premium domain! Everything makes sense and feels right!!

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Enjoy the beauty and flow of nature life Mar 27, 2019

I also like days like this!
One of my dreams which I am fortunate enough to be living is for my days to be in the sync with the weather and enjoy all of its moods and the activities that go with them!

Blue skies, wind, swell are all amazing conditions to get I... then I love when the weather...

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Smile laugh and keep going life Mar 11, 2019

What I find really interesting... there are many posts I have seen recently where people look like they are living the dream, life is amazing, smiles, ocean, follow me, be like me and in reality...

I know for a fact their life is miserable, their world is in turmoil, kids, partners everything is...

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