Has anyone read this book? business life Dec 19, 2019

Has anyone read this book?

This is going to be a hard read for me... it’s like a novel... but it has...
No inside sleeve
No back sleeve
No page of contents
No chapter names
No charts
No pictures or diagrams
No bold sections
No italic sections...

Just a plain font the whole way through.


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Would love your thoughts.... business life Dec 11, 2019

Question I am pondering and would love your thoughts...

In this changing shape of work... where do you operate your lifestyle from?

It’s a big question but I find myself moving between spaces. Quiet implementation space line an office.

They wider big picture spaces for creative thinking...

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Today is a big day! business life Dec 06, 2019

Today is a big day...

The first time some 'strangers' will be using our previous family home for their weekend as their AirBnB.

To whoever is there I hope you are hanging out downstairs under the deck.

While everyone melts from the heat, I know this spot is the coolest place on the coast. 10...

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Little piece of paradise... business life Nov 29, 2019

Over the last 10 years, thousands of hours of my time and many hundreds of thousands of dollars have gone toward, what I like to believe is a little piece of paradise. If you or anyone you know is looking for an amazing holiday experience literally 50 meters from the beach then check this out......

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Putting it out there... business Nov 14, 2019

Putting it out there... to those of you who know me well...

I’m launching a podcast and pondering names...

It could be The Michael Maidens Podcast or more topic centric...

I could start to talk about what I’m this message but I feel I’ll influent your suggestions...

So, any...

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Anyone else who appreciates screen real estate? business Nov 01, 2019

Is there anyone else who appreciates screen real estate as much as I do???

Back when I was programming I had 5 monitors... it was amazing... everything I needed in a glance...

One in the centre for the code, one for the database architecture, one for the design specs, the other for the...

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Just a quick reminder... business Oct 26, 2019

Just a quick reminder that we are in our final hours of the Offer Academy Course Beta Intake!

You can check it out here! http://michaelmaidens.com/join

I am back home from the USA and literally heading out the door to an engagement party  :)

The time in the USA was so fun and the...

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Very grateful... business Oct 24, 2019

Very grateful... I have had over 150 wonderful people so far come and thank me for my presentation at James Wedmore’s Business By Design event ... but the latest one was the best...

“You didn’t look like a professional speaker, you just got up there and shared with us and I...

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Sometimes all you need.... business life Oct 17, 2019

Sometimes all you need it a change of scenery...

I’m working on my presentation for a live event next week and as soon as I sat down here the whole structure just came to me.

I’ve been letting it sit, but with a deadline pending I need to get pen to paper...

Change of scenery and the...

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The launch workshop business Sep 13, 2019

Seriously... I have done over 75 launches and I still watch Jeff Walkers FREE Training. Each year Jeff launches his product and right now he is teaching the first of his video series LIVE...

I sit here watching it and I think of all the conversation I have with people about launching products...

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Breakfast learning business Sep 13, 2019

Breakfast learning from Jeff and watching the whales go by...

If you want to learn about launching products online check out Jeff’s PLF training 

I first watched it 10 years ago and here I am 10 years later, after 75 launches still watching still learning...

Check it out >> The...

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Work and then some business Jun 14, 2019

Playing in the mountains, meetings, steam trains, snow, fire pits, moons, stars and barber shop that has a secret bar behind a bookshelf which you can only access with a password!

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