Has anyone read this book? business life Dec 19, 2019

Has anyone read this book?

This is going to be a hard read for me... it’s like a novel... but it has...
No inside sleeve
No back sleeve
No page of contents
No chapter names
No charts
No pictures or diagrams
No bold sections
No italic sections...

Just a plain font the whole way through.


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Would love your thoughts.... business life Dec 11, 2019

Question I am pondering and would love your thoughts...

In this changing shape of work... where do you operate your lifestyle from?

It’s a big question but I find myself moving between spaces. Quiet implementation space line an office.

They wider big picture spaces for creative thinking...

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Today is a big day! business life Dec 06, 2019

Today is a big day...

The first time some 'strangers' will be using our previous family home for their weekend as their AirBnB.

To whoever is there I hope you are hanging out downstairs under the deck.

While everyone melts from the heat, I know this spot is the coolest place on the coast. 10...

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Welcome summer!!! life Dec 06, 2019

Welcome summer!!!

Such an awesome time of year on the coast... actually I think I say that to myself almost every day of the year... anyway... nice long days... wake up at 4am... lots of colours I. The ocean and outdoor fun to be had!

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Little piece of paradise... business life Nov 29, 2019

Over the last 10 years, thousands of hours of my time and many hundreds of thousands of dollars have gone toward, what I like to believe is a little piece of paradise. If you or anyone you know is looking for an amazing holiday experience literally 50 meters from the beach then check this out......

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We'll always remember... life Nov 17, 2019

Today would have been dads 71st birthday  what an awesome birthday celebration we had last year for his 70th...

Although he didn’t make his 71st we had a special time helping him keep this gift of life...

Lots of growth and perspective shifts over the past 12 months...

Most of all...

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Making memories with the kids life Nov 07, 2019

Making memories with the kids 

Sunrise at the beach... Shadows with a wise eagle on the tall post watching us... most likely dad 


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Magical morning colours! life Oct 30, 2019

Magical morning colours!

Such an amazing light show that Mother Nature gifted this morning 

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Sometimes all you need.... business life Oct 17, 2019

Sometimes all you need it a change of scenery...

I’m working on my presentation for a live event next week and as soon as I sat down here the whole structure just came to me.

I’ve been letting it sit, but with a deadline pending I need to get pen to paper...

Change of scenery and the...

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This sums it up! life Oct 16, 2019

Ummmm ... this sums it up!

All the time I see people being criticised for putting themselves and their products and offers out there...

It breaks my heart to see people retract their gift and hide...

I know I lived this for many years too... playing things down...

I used to park my car blocks...

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Happy Fiji Day! adventure life Oct 10, 2019

Happy Fiji Day to all the Fijians and everyone they touch.

These guys are the nicest, friendliest people I have met. The day I first experienced Namotu island back in 2002 I no longer saw the world the same.
Life was then about living and working was the facilitator for that...

17 years later I...

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Smile no matter what... life Oct 01, 2019

I have said it three times in the last few hours in conversations so I thought I’ll share it here...

When things seem really bad I smile. I am not sure where this came from but I know it was influenced by good friend Stig Åvall Severinsen...

When we were doing breath hold...

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