Observe and look for any parallels... business life Jun 21, 2021
I just read about a court case for a big corporation Nestle not being sued for child slavery because it doesn’t happen on US soil...
There are many big corporations that rely on slave labour... likely even the iPhone I am typing on now...
It made me think about slavery...
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You can do this too adventure business life Jun 02, 2021
Sometimes things change and will never be the same again...
This is fine and this is life. This is the amazing journey and mystery of magic that unfolds in front of us... Workplaces, relationships, friend circles, sporting venues, holiday destinations, even the community, town or city...
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Entering the mind of the bee adventure business life May 25, 2021

I like thought exercises...

I like taking my mine to different situations...

Today, it’s entering the mind of the bee.

What does it do?

How does it see life?

What is it aware of? Especially those whose hard work is harvested for another species consumption.

And... What if we are the worker...

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Surrender to what is and just let it be... adventure business life May 02, 2021
I’m just learning. But so far for me, much of this is mindset at the moment...
Today was 7 degrees celsius for 2 min 30 with a head dunk of 5 seconds. If I walk into it thinking it’s cold, it’s freezing...
But if I just let it be, it’s not too cold....
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Worth turning on 2 step verification business life Apr 27, 2021

Have you ever been deleted from FB?

A friend has recently and is working to get it back and the more I chat to people, others have too...

It may be hackers or not but worth turning on 2 step verification...

All of her work in posts, groups she is a member, groups she runs, scheduled events all...

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Quicksand - Learn to spot when someone is talking from it business life Apr 07, 2021
It’s a funny substance but one thing is for sure... The more you move, the deeper in trouble you get...
Sometimes the same can be said for liars... The more they talk the more their story no longer makes sense...
So,  when I read an article like...
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Just wondering... business life Apr 02, 2021

So Oz, is this data or science or politics or business or ego?

Germany Indefinitely Suspends AstraZeneca...

Just wondering why here in Australia it is all good... and nurses are losing their jobs because they are worried about the experimental vaccine...

Insurance companies are pulling out of...

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There is an evil analogy in marketing... business Mar 30, 2021
There is an evil analogy in marketing...
People can be breathing along just fine... no worries going through their day but then... You tell them there is a problem, let’s say you splash water in their face... You show them the problem... then you give a little solution... ahh they...
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A sheep in heroes clothes business life Mar 29, 2021
Ever heard of the term ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothes?
Well I’d like to create a new one...
“A sheep in heroes clothes”...
Ponder that for a little and see if you can spot any πŸ™‚
A hero is not a follower... that’s a sheep......
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Something to think about... business life Mar 24, 2021

Something to think about...
Insurance companies are smart...
They stand and survive the test of time...
They play the odds...
They control the rules and the fees...
They always win...
They will also try and find a way to not pay... if possible... that is basically their bottom line profit...

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Happy Sunday! business life Feb 07, 2021
Hmmm... Would you jump on board an aeroplane if the airline was totally exempt from anything negative that may occur?
Would you hire a builder to build your home if they had do insurance or legal obligation if it was found defective and their work found incorrect?
Would you...
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Value… What if you were 10 times more valuable than what you currently believe? business life Feb 03, 2021

Value… What if you were 10 times more valuable than what you currently believe? 

What would you do differently? What different experience of life could you have? 

For many people one of the hardest things to see and the hardest things to put a price on, is our own value


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