Is this true? life Apr 01, 2021
Flip flop flip flop...
Is this true now? Or is the opposite true?
Check this post and the date... March 2020? Masks have been around for decades... Decades before this advice 12 months ago was published...
Now 12 months later they are saying the opposite? What else are...
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Can someone define "highly contagious" to me? life Apr 01, 2021
Can someone please define "highly contagious" to me... Because I thought it meant that there is a high chance of catching what someone has...
Can we look at some real numbers of 'in the vicinity of a contagious person and the chance of catching it'...because...
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A sheep in heroes clothes business life Mar 29, 2021
Ever heard of the term ‘a wolf in sheep’s clothes?
Well I’d like to create a new one...
“A sheep in heroes clothes”...
Ponder that for a little and see if you can spot any πŸ™‚
A hero is not a follower... that’s a sheep......
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Think about what feels right for YOU... life Mar 29, 2021
Just a thought...
The power of social acceptance is a powerful thing. Many people know this. And many more people don’t know when it is at play upon them.
Marketers are using it, celebrities are using it, influencers are using it, brands are using it, team are using...
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Cellular systems maybe... life Mar 26, 2021
When I first saw this video it exploded my mind of what may be possible no matter our current view.
I have since taken this approach to all things I think I know to be true...
Can the current situation be viewed from another dimension, angle, perspective...
Can you be...
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Something to think about... business life Mar 24, 2021

Something to think about...
Insurance companies are smart...
They stand and survive the test of time...
They play the odds...
They control the rules and the fees...
They always win...
They will also try and find a way to not pay... if possible... that is basically their bottom line profit...

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Visiting Dachau... adventure life Mar 17, 2021

One of the most horrible days of my life was when I visited Dachau Concentration Camp in Germany...

Photos of people arriving on trains... I stood where the photos were taken, next to the train lines.

I stood where they handed over their only possessions before taking a shower on their way to...

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Your Fair Advantage life Feb 10, 2021

Each of us has a unique set of skills or circumstances which we think very little about but could hold the key to amazing and fulfilling life...

I like to refer to these as Fair Advantages... A slight variation of UNFAIR ADVANTAGES however this is something we need to acknowledge...


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Morning thoughts... life Feb 09, 2021

Just a thought...

If we always have a phone in our hand are we limited to what we can do physically?

Not wanting to damage it... do we play safer... do we always feel we need to look after it...

Therefore, are we physically restricted, less free, mind occupied...

Interesting... this was just a...

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Happy Sunday! business life Feb 07, 2021
Hmmm... Would you jump on board an aeroplane if the airline was totally exempt from anything negative that may occur?
Would you hire a builder to build your home if they had do insurance or legal obligation if it was found defective and their work found incorrect?
Would you...
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Value… What if you were 10 times more valuable than what you currently believe? business life Feb 03, 2021

Value… What if you were 10 times more valuable than what you currently believe? 

What would you do differently? What different experience of life could you have? 

For many people one of the hardest things to see and the hardest things to put a price on, is our own value


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The enjoyment in the reflection of experiences... adventure business life Jan 19, 2021

The enjoyment in the reflection of experiences... for me, I love to relive experiences... I know that sometimes there are so many things going on in the moment that I am not experiencing it fully... especially if it involves physical and mental exertion...

However, I know my brain is taking it...

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