Your Fair Advantage
Feb 10, 2021Each of us has a unique set of skills or circumstances which we think very little about but could hold the key to amazing and fulfilling life...
I like to refer to these as Fair Advantages... A slight variation of UNFAIR ADVANTAGES however this is something we need to acknowledge...
Because... Many people dismiss some of their most amazing assets or personality or opportunities as 'unfair'... A form of self sabotage maybe... However lets dive into where the magic lies and why I love seeing people uncover their 'fair advantage'...
So what so I mean by these advantages and why they are fair...
Well in life we all show up and contribute in many different ways.
As friends, workmates, colleagues, team members, wives, husbands, boyfriends, girlfriends, lovers, partners, leaders, contributors, teachers, inspiration and so much more...
The more we show up as our true self, the more we can invite the world to see us and in return, others will have a better human experience...
However, usually this is not how we were taught to grow up. Most people are taught what to think, what to learn, what skills to gain and even what uniform to wear...
So, when we go into our 'grown up' life... There are certainly many aspects of ourself which we do not even know to be 'us' and showing up as a 'grown up' may feel hard, difficult and maybe even scarily sad.
Some parts of us we may have even hid. Things that our parents, teachers, religion, friends or just society have told us is wrong or to not embrace.
How long can we deny our true self? How long can we feel broken? How long do we please others first?
Maybe the world would be harder to control if everyone was themselves? Rules create behaviour predictability... maybe it is better for someone else... maybe not the individual...
When do we work out the game of life? When do we work out why we are here? Maybe at the end... maybe half way through...
So, when do you start to feel there must be an easier way...
Well, in my previous life I was a full time tennis player... and one the things you needed to do is to know yourself. Know your game. Know your strengths and most importantly...
Because... you are more likely to win playing your game, than to go and play someone else's game.
They are better at their game and therefore more likely to win...
So, the game of life, contribution and value exchange...
How can you adjust to play your strengths... Your FAIR ADVANTAGE?
Signs of this will start to appear. Old beliefs questioned. Old friendships do not seem to have the same fun factor. Maybe what once inspired you, no longer does...
You seem to be doing everything you were 'told' however deep down things feel difficult and hard work...
Now, let's compound this with the belief that 'good things come to those who wait' or 'good things come to those who work hard' or 'you make your own luck'...
Hmmm to get out of our current situation feel like we need to work harder... But what if I am already at capacity?
Mentally, financially, emotionally...
Now I need to put in more effort? From an empty bucket?
Ok, so this is where the idea of 'fair advantage' comes into play...
A few things might shed some light on how this situation can be handled...
What if... (one of my favourite questions)
What if things could be different?
What if things could be easier and more financially rewarding, emotionally satisfying, more fun and shared experience with like minded people?
What if...
Hmmm interesting huh... What might that look like...
What if LEANING INTO your FAIR ADVANTAGE is actually how you CREATE YOUR OWN LUCK...
What if you are sitting on a pile of gold and you do not even realise it...
What do you have around you, that others do not?
This is another thing I love to do... Connect the dots... The dots which may not be obvious from the normal perspective...
Imagine if the key to your happiness and the path to fulfilment was in actual fact acknowledging and connecting your fair advantage to the world?
The fun part about this is that you can exchange this value with other people in the world... You get to be YOU and they get to experience a better life by interacting with YOU!
This value exchange can be in many way... It can be in a business, selling products and services... If can be showing up to social situation. It can be friendship groups, it can be community work. So many things...
Some examples and thinking prompts...
Do you have a friend or parent who has knowledge in a certain area where you can get advice which others would not have access to?
Do you have a friend with office space you could work from or use at a discounted rate?
Do you live somewhere where you can inspire other people with nature around you? The ocean, the mountains?
Do you have wildlife show up at your door, window which you could share with others?
Do you naturally wake up early and have insights, thoughts, understandings that you could share with the world?
Did you overcome a life challenge (no matter how severe) that others have not? How can you weave that into what you offer to increase the quality of someone else's life?
Do you have a way of seeing the world that is different to other people? Could you offer this perspective in different ways?
Do your physical appearance inspire people in any way?
Does the way you present yourself appear to others as a natural gift?
Can you just know when things go nicely together?
Can you play or learn a skill in a fast way?
Do you know friends who already serve the people who you want to serve?
Did you have a teacher or coach who taught you a special technique which could help others?
Are you naturally the social organiser in your friend group? Do you love getting people together?
Do you love to explore nature with friends?
Can you present on camera easily?
Can you speak infront of a room easily?
Can you sing or play an instrument?
Can you make people laugh? Can you laugh at yourself?
Do you love being fit? Have you created a routine that you love?
Do you find cooking and flavour combinations easy? Can you cook without recipes and everything (well almost) tastes good?
Do you love to read, or research topics in a deep way?
Do you love to neaten your house, do you live in a neat house, can you help others do the same?
Obviously I could go on forever with all of these amazing things...
and guess what?
All of these things as simple to other people and hugely difficult to other people!
Yep, if you are like me, even just reading this list... There was a big combination of YES and NO down this list...
Well, we all would have a completely different list of YES and NO for these alone...
and... the ones we said NO to, we might want that to enrich our own life and therefore see big value in being around someone with this knowledge or ability...
OK, so if you have read this far here is the next level in this KEY...
So yep... this is one very often overlooked but is where your REAL UNIQUE ADVANTAGE lies...
Now this is where you stand out!!!
You, your story, your unique combination of fair advantages, told in your voice, by you...
An example might be...
If you love to meet people in person, you are the social organiser in your friend circle, you love outdoors, you also love nature, you live near somewhere people would like to visit, you love to speak to small groups, you love to share knowledge and you helped your child overcome an eating disorder, you created a friendship with some psychologists, nutritionists and doctors and you created a repeatable system to help parents with their kids overcome an eating disorder.
Well you could host a retreat for parents struggling with this exact problem... Obvious in hindsight is what I love to find... The obvious in retrospect...
Maybe you would even ask yourself why I am not already doing that... You might think... I would love that... Would people really pay for that?
The answer is yes... The right people will see the value in it and this is the ULTIMATE FAIR ADVANTAGE!
I love getting to know people, their unique story and extracting their UNIQUE combination of FAIR ADVANTAGES and then showing it back to them!
Many times this is a tear jerking moment. A powerful realisation of contribution and how something so easy for them can have such a powerful impact on so many others.
Sometimes it is decades of individual experiences, challenges which at the time seemed unrelated, come together in a perfect OFFERING to the WORLD...
This is what I love to do help people get themselves out into the world...
Their BEST OFFER to the world... Stepping into their power and their fair advantage...
So, how does that feel?
What are some of your Fair Advantage that you may have not realised or would like to lean into? Let me know!
Talk soon