I like thought exercises...
I like taking my mine to different situations...
Today, it’s entering the mind of the bee.
What does it do?
How does it see life?
What is it aware of? Especially those whose hard work is harvested for another species consumption.
And... What if we are the worker...
Have you ever been deleted from FB?
A friend has recently and is working to get it back and the more I chat to people, others have too...
It may be hackers or not but worth turning on 2 step verification...
All of her work in posts, groups she is a member, groups she runs, scheduled events all...
So Oz, is this data or science or politics or business or ego?
Germany Indefinitely Suspends AstraZeneca...
Just wondering why here in Australia it is all good... and nurses are losing their jobs because they are worried about the experimental vaccine...
Insurance companies are pulling out of...

Something to think about...
Insurance companies are smart...
They stand and survive the test of time...
They play the odds...
They control the rules and the fees...
They always win...
They will also try and find a way to not pay... if possible... that is basically their bottom line profit...
Value… What if you were 10 times more valuable than what you currently believe?
What would you do differently? What different experience of life could you have?
For many people one of the hardest things to see and the hardest things to put a price on, is our own value…