Remember this? life Mar 17, 2020

Ok I need to share a life / memory win...

I just bought this! The original  just like the old days where I spent hours and hours playing Tetris...

Seriously my car packing skills are directly related to the number of hours I played this... then the duals I had in 2 player mode with the...

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Corona Virus and the Sun life Mar 15, 2020

“Put simply, medics found that severely ill flu patients nursed outdoors recovered better than those treated indoors. A combination of fresh air and sunlight seems to have prevented deaths among patients; and infections among medical staff. There is scientific support for this. Research...

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I cannot help but think... life Mar 13, 2020

I cannot help but think...

Without the ability to travel so freely, is this what life was like 100 years ago...

Are all these things that are being cancelled 'new' in the bigger picture of time.

The frequency and size of events, the ability to travel internationally, even colleges and schools...

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Relax and Smile! life Mar 13, 2020

What if relaxing and smiling is one of your best defences against a virus?

Relaxing your mind to make good decisions and relaxing your body so your immune system stays switched on acting for long term health...

Aaaannddd wash your hands 

Aaannddd this art on a wall in a hotel in California...

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Just a thought today business life Mar 06, 2020

Just a thought today...

I am fortunate to know and study human behaviour...

Successful marketing is about creating inspiration and new beginnings and helping people see a new and better way of doing things...

I spend all week doing this and most of my trips overseas are surrounded by people who...

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Gifts life Mar 03, 2020

Gifts... I wonder if we live in a world where true happiness is the exchange of gifts... To me shells and waves are gifts from the ocean 

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Magic Monday at Coolum Beach adventure life Mar 02, 2020

Magic Monday  the start of a new week, new month and new season... here in the souther hemisphere it is now the season to harvest from your summer efforts... The fun begins .

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Soft excuses life Feb 24, 2020

Sometimes I like to fast forward and look back...

What would I wish I had done but let soft excuses get in the way...

There are plenty of soft excuses... hundreds... we can get super creative and start to believe our own voice...

However, instead of listening to the soft excuse in the now, I go...

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Water is Life! adventure life Jan 29, 2020

Yaroomba Beach - These sunrises and myself disappeared for a bit... bunkered down by smoke and the beauty hidden. The birds disappeared and are now back too... the sky is clear and the ocean feels alive again. After all this rain there seems to be more dolphins, sharks, jellyfish even shells on...

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Appreciate Kindness life Jan 20, 2020

This was so true for me over the last 18 months when we were going through tough times with dad. Thank you everyone who constantly checked in and helped in any way... it was great to feel the love and support... we tried everything we could 

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New Year Ponderings life Jan 01, 2020

How many New Years Eve’s do you have left?

Not that I am a big ‘new years eve’ fan... but more a ‘living life’ fan...

Each New Years Day is a reminder of the passing years and a time to reflect on how you are spending them...

Do you think you have 50 more or do you...

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Three 3 little book worms life Dec 30, 2019

We have 3 little book worms  it’s so awesome to see the kids want to pull out a book and read!

It is common for older people come up to us in public, to say how wonderful it is to see our kids reading books rather than on devices  ...

The peace and quiet of a traditional...

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