My buddy the ocean adventure life Sep 25, 2019

I love the calm blue ocean with the peaceful calm energy inviting me to swim.

I love the small high tide waves inviting me to foil.

I love a glassy ocean full of waves inviting me to surf.

I love the windy rough ocean inviting me to kitesurf...

and I love the onshore wind with no waves,...

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Anyone read this? life Sep 17, 2019

I love my little surprises I send myself... it’s always fun to work out why I bought the books I do!

This feels like it’s going to require some heavy concentrating... at first glance it reads like a university text ! 

Anyone read this one?

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Together Forever life Aug 21, 2019

RIP Peter John Maidens..

Together Forever... we took this photo less than 3 weeks ago. His home and family on earth and his current home and family in the stars...

Amazingly inspirational and brave man making friends and inspiring people up to his last second.

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Comforting signs... life Aug 10, 2019

Last night after leaving mum and dads I looked up into the sky and a shooting star shot across the sky.

Then this morning I woke up at this time...

I’m taking them as comforting signs that the angels are around...

Getting ready to add another amazing soul to their team and soon to be...

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Have gratitude and smile life Jul 30, 2019

Today’s life lesson... something I think I do but just a very close to home reminder.

Gratitude for the simple things

Have gratitude if you are not in pain...
Have gratitude if you can walk confidently...
Have gratitude if you can see clearly...
Have gratitude if you can drive yourself...

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Whatโ€™s the theme? life Jul 15, 2019

An assortment... what’s the theme?

I wonder what I was pondering when I ordered these 

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Just 5 minutes... adventure life Jul 07, 2019

Just 5 minutes up to the fallen tree across the creek, just five minutes further to a rock pool, just five minutes to another crossing, just five minutes till you see a waterfall, just five minutes to the bottom, just 5 minutes up to the top of the waterfall...

Turned into a 4 hour round trip...

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Why I sleep so deep at night life Jul 04, 2019

Thanks for this! 

That explains why I sleep so deep at night... all this hard work during the day :) 

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There is a buzz in the air today... life Jun 30, 2019

There is a buzz in the air today...

the sun is back out, the swell is up and everyone is out there having fun!

Lucky for me the parking angels were looking after me 

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True warriors fight life Jun 19, 2019

My observation and lesson for the week:

True warriors fight even when winning is almost impossible and the slightest chance of success...

It is in their blood it is in their DNA...

They would rather die giving it everything they have than to sit back...

They turn over every rock, search for every...

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Lunch time holiday style views adventure life Jun 04, 2019

Lunch time holiday style views... empty beach close to home... in the sun and out of the wind…

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Monday down under! business life Jun 03, 2019

Monday down under   I was watching the early morning sunrise then was lucky to share on a video call with Rachel Miller on the other side of the world too!!!


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