What if...
Jul 21, 2020What if...
What if everyone led with their heart...
What if you saw this life as a magical wonderland to be experienced...
What if you are here to experience a full spectrum of fun laughter and emotions...
What if your true purpose here is to find your true self amongst all the noise...
What if the key to depression, anxiety and stress what to feel connected to other souls in the human form...
What if you didn’t have to catch your emotions and feelings and play down to what is acceptable...
What if you DROPED THE FILTERS of life that others have put on us and instead of you liked someone or something to told them...
Imagine if the filters were dropped so we as individuals and a society could see what is true...
We could give and receive with an open heart and potentially, for once, see how connected we are with each other and enjoy this adventure of life together 🙂
See what is...
Embrace what is...
Without filters...
Imagine... an unfiltered heart...
Where could that lead you... where could that lead us...
( Ps Picture is the magical sunset at Noosa on Sunday - no filter 🙂 )