I believe the magic of 2020 lay in the reveal...
Dec 31, 20202020... What a gift... a gift of a lifetime... the magic in the reveal, thank you and the spectrum of being human, confusion... And mostly Permission to be YOU...
Here we are sitting at the end of the calendar year and another significant trip around our sun... Seriously what an amazing year for us as humans... A year I can fairly confidently say, didn’t go anywhere near to plan for any of us...
But maybe delivered to us what we needed, if we could capture the gift in the perspective.
I believe the magic of 2020 lay in the reveal...
What did it show you to be true that you previously thought the opposite?
What did it show was possible which you previously thought impossible?
Who did you need to become which you never thought you were capable of becoming?
Who let you down where you previously thought would be on your side?
And the opposite, when the tough conversations or situations arose, who stood by you who which surprised you?
Did you surprise yourself?
I feel like this year has delivered a ‘reveal of what is’... So many huge topics have revealed themselves to us this year and in so revealing our true selves and our true team on this human earth experience... No matter what the topic we have a deeper awareness, a deeper understanding of ‘what is’ and where we are as a society and individuals in an interdependent humanity on this earth... Each topic brought passion and with that the topic and us as individual and collective humans were revealed...
The biggest thing I took away for this year was an educated permission to be ME... And many many people around me are experiencing the freedom that comes with this... Old beliefs which were previously absolutely true were broken down proven to be wrong... More information bubbled to the surface which had us all questioning ourselves, our position on this planet and why we are even here...
What does success as a human even look like? Or, more interestingly, is it now more obvious than ever that our definition of success, right and wrong been based on flawed conditioning... Conditioning we are only now realising was happening to us...
This can be racism, politics, health, religion, government authority, sexual preference, relationship dynamics, social platforms, mentors, leaders and so much more... In which of these topics have you become more educated and your beliefs evolved?
When we are scared we stick to our beliefs without question. When we are confident we explore our beliefs with mew information considered... When I say confident, I probably am really talking about evolved... Which really leads to detachment...
Can you detach from your belief, consider new information and re choose to attach to that belief? Or... establish a new belief in its place... In each of the big topics presented this year new information was revealed and many people needed to face some ugly truths... But, the reveal was there... the depth was shown...
The journey of the gift was offered... Many people took the extra time gifted to us in lockdown to reflect on these deeper topics... And honestly... the amount of information was overwhelming and usually that results in confusion...
Confusion leads to fear and then fear seeks stability... Stability is usually found by creating a narrative which matches existing beliefs... HOWEVER... there is an opportunity in the confusion...
The longer you can hold your breath in the fear, stay in the uncertainty and consider new information then the greater opportunity there is to grow...Growth is establishing new beliefs... (or re selecting old beliefs)
And this year, 2020, gave us this gift of dismantling our ‘normal’ and permission to create new beliefs... And guess what...
This year showed us anything is possible...
Seriously... a whole global travel ban...
Blue skies in heavily polluted places...
Blue water in previously muddy canals...
Billions of people staying inside...
Human unity to help each other get through this...
What was revealed to you this year?
Who let you down?
Who showed up for you?
What are you so desperately seeking to experience?
Who are you so desperately wanting to become?
What does human success look like to YOU now...
So, going into 2021, thank 2020 for the coaching lesson... the boot camp... the big reveal of YOU... SO go be the best human YOU want to be...
Go do that... and don’t waste time with people who want anything different for you...
Be brave, love the people and the journey... because that’s all we really have 

Happy New Year !!!!
PS, This picture below is where I sat and wrote this, so you can thank the ocean and energetic weather for the additional inspiration... a wet New Years Eve ahead.