Reflecting Perspectives
Sep 14, 2022Reflecting perspectives…
One of the things I feel is so important is to create a psychological safe space for discussion…
One of the big things I find important these days is to reflect when life gets too busy…
So many things demanding our time and attention…
I am so grateful I know the feeling of
one tv in the house…
one wired phone…
arranging to ‘talk’ to friends
and speaking to their parents when they pickup their phone … ‘Hi mr xyz it’s Michael Maidens here, is abc home?’
Knocking on peoples doors to see if they were home…
Looking forward to seeing people in the street…
Playing outdoors for fun…
Communicating with people because you were actually interested in doing it… because it took effort…
Missing people who you may not see for a long time or ever…
Writing physical letters…
Posting gifts…
True companionship of in person relationships…
Experiencing life… In person
I am so glad I lived my childhood fairly distraction free…
I would be overwhelmed with all the inputs and navigating digital social and the gamification of adolescent chat stealing my focus and childhood…
Personally I am glad I had tennis… a healthy addiction
A return to basics… human stuff…