Life Huh
Oct 29, 2021Life huh...
What are we here for?
Somewhere on the timeline that will be clear...
However i feel that it is our search...
This human experience... on this living earth... at this time...
A wonderful living breathing earth... life... oceans... forests...
What will you take with you when you leave your body...
If we are here to learn, what could that be...
What is it that we can only experience in your location, at this specific time, in this specific body...
What is so unique that your soul can be seen in this physical form...
Your souls smile can be seen...
Your souls warmth can be shared...
Your souls love can be communicated and shared...
Your soul can be ‘seen’...
How are you showing up as a soul?
A beautiful, non physical eternal soul sharing this physical space with other souls...
What are we here to learn, achieve...
There is a unity which supersedes the physical...
This unity has nothing to do with your physical ‘state’, sex, race, location...
How can you lean into love and spend some time hugging the other souls on this earth?
Do things in the physical, hug, smile, laugh where you can...
But also, take a moment to think a layer above the physical and see these amazing souls around you...
Connect at a soul level...
A moment of wonder, grace and fascination of this experience we are all in...
A non physical UNITY...
Be a great soul while in this human body 

We can all do that, no matter what our current physical situations