Life is about LIVING...

life Jul 25, 2021
Aussies... Are we just convicts?
The country was founded on bringing convicts by boat over to this island and taking away the land of the original inhabitants of this land and making them slaves to a new agenda with guns and force.
So, as a thought exercise if that were true,  what would a convict do?
First, I am thinking of things like why the "tall poppy syndrome" is so huge here in Australia. Many countries overseas success is celebrated. People who stand out are praised and cheered on.
Here in Australia not so much. I see it in my work. It is hard for Aussies to stand up and say they are good at something, better at something...
Next visual I think of is the chain gangs. Convicts chained together and told to do something. What happens to the ones who see the slavery and want to break everyone free?  Tall poppy? kind of... Cut them down... don’t stand out... just do what you are told and we will all be safe...
Who do the convicts want to be in the good books of? The people who can inflict pain... So they seperate from their fellow humans and form an alliance with the pain inflictor hoping to be treated differently to those other naughty people.
They might smile at them, maybe show them how deep the hole was they just dug... Maybe they will offer to dig more holes... Maybe they will chat with other convicts and start showing them how good our holes are...
They form alliances with other do gooding convicts to make another group look worse. Or maybe they will even offer to tell the authorities the names of the naughty convicts... maybe they say "we can identify those who were being naughty and breaking your wonderful keep us safe rules"...
Yep! Interesting... Something to ponder when you look around and observe your own response to others.
I believe the world works in spirals. We cycle in patterns. Each time around is different...Either better and worse for different things...
We are a blip within a blip within a blip. Life is about LIVING... which is VERY different to staying alive. One is necessary for the other however, one does not imply the other.