How this might be happening in our lives...
Nov 25, 2020Boiling the frog... Are we the frog? Are you the frog?
Maybe... At least understand the story so you can tell if you are...
If there was a pot of boiling hot water and a frog jumped into it, it would quickly jump out. Not accepting the new environment, knowing it would certainly lead to its death...
However, if the water was a nice temperature, maybe just slightly nicer than outside, it would sit inside and enjoy the water... Maybe crab a nice drink, a floatable armchair, even sip of the free cocktails...
Having fun, chatting to other froggie mates and distracted talking about, say, the colour of the cocktail glasses...
All while not realising that the temperature of the water was slowly increasing around them...
Until, they realise that their muscles no longer function, they are overheated and essentially trapped in what is now boiling water...
So, interesting how this might be happening in our lives around us?