Recommend Resources & Tools

Training & Courses

A simple and clean area to title the other sections of your page with a bit more style.

Product Launch Formula

Jeff Walker

If wnat to reach your market in an authentic and educational based way, then Product Launch Formula is for you.

Not only is Jeff Walker a dear friend of mine, his product is amazing. I became a student of this product about 10 years ago and have enjoyed watching this product change the lives of people all around the world. 

If you want an amazing community of like minded people I suggest people to buy the program an enjoy the support. 

I travel from Australia to the USA 3 times a year to attend Jeff's event and have been in his mastermind for over 7 years.

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Tribes Course

Stu McLaren

I am both a Student of Stu's and a great buddy. He is an amazing teacher and has a heart of gold. I cannot recommend Stu's product Tribe highly enough. 

I attended his first workshop where he has taught this program and enjoyed watching the product and the people he is helping go from strength to strength. 

The way he supports his community and his dedication to them getting results is inspirational. Tribes and Stu McLaren rocks!

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Power Of Process

James Wedmore

Ok, I am just going to say this straight. This program should be $50k. Yes 5-0. I have told James this myself. 

I am a student of James' and he also is a great friend. The content inside his program is amazing. 

The way in which he teaches is phenominal however, the systems and processes that he includes in this course are worth 20 times the cost of the course alone. 

You can literally follow the bouncing tick boxes and execute on his systems. You can hand them to team members and support staff to do it for you.

This program is amazing.

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Email Marketing & Automation

The value of your business is the ability to communicate with your audience in a reliable way. Social media platforms are awesome, however you do not own them and they can be removed from you. When you collect email addresses you 'own' them and this is the real asset of the business.


Email Software

Drip is my current email choice. I recommend it to all my clients who want power, automation and segmentation without the hefty price tag. 

Previously these features were only available to people who paid many times more and had additional tech support.

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Email Automation

Convert Kit is an amazing piece of software and I also use it for some of my sites. The automation and tagging are sensational and again, a lot of features which only a few short years ago would have costs many times more.

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Website & Checkout Optimisation

Having the ability to receive money previously was a huge undertaking. You used to have merchant processors, chopping carts and order pages. Thankfully there are not many tools which streamline this and you can be up and running within literally minutes. I remember having to wait months whole merchants and banks swapped paperwork! Each solution has different features, benefits and price points and you need to consider what you would like to integrate with before making a final decision. Ideally you make and 'all or nothing' tech decision to ensure all the pieces play nicely together.


Membership Site, Shopping Cart Order Pages

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Thrive Cart

Cart Optimisation, Order Forms


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Sam Cart

Cart Optimisation, Order Forms

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Outsourcing & Systemising

There are so many things going on in an online world that every little piece of system and process helps.

Design Pickle

Graphic Design Team

I use the design pickle team to do all of my graphic design needs. They work on a ticket by ticket basis and I love that you have an assigned designer. 

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Process Street

Workflow Automation

This tool is amazing to create awesome processes and get continually improve the process and explanation for your team members. 

This tool replaces a policies and procedures manual and instead creates a live and ever improving place where everyone can know exactly how to do things.

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Team, Business and Personal Development

Getting To Know Yourself As An Entrepreneur is CRITICAL! The following tools, books and tests are ones that I use and recommend all the time!

Wealth Dynamics Profile Test

Know Your Entrepreneur Type

By knowing yourself you will find your flow but most importantly find your most compatible team profiles!  

Are you a Creator, naturally creative and leaving the details to others?

Are you a Star, growing a brand to shine brightly on others?

Are you a Supporter, leading from the front where people come first?

Are you a Deal Maker, where it’s all about the negotiation?

Are you a Trader, profiting from a great sense of timing?

Are you an Accumulator with slow and steady winning the race?

Are you a Lord, where it’s all about the attention to detail?

Are you a Mechanic, perfecting the system for others to use?

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